Top 3 Jobs You Can Get Once You Pass Microsoft MB-260 Certification Exam

Many professionals think that they need to gather years of experience to get promoted on the job and earn a higher annual salary. As the IT industry becomes more competitive, managers and recruiters are interested in MS-700 more than just a resume with many years of experience in a certain domain. So, earning an international certification like the ones offered by Microsoft can help you make a difference. For example, passing the MS-900 accreditation test will help you obtain the Microsoft Certified: Customer Data Platform Specialty certificate. With this accreditation under your belt, you can apply for jobs such as Data Engineer, Data Analyst, and Data Scientist. Keep reading this article to learn more about the job specifications and annual payment for these positions.

Top 3 Positions You Can Apply To As You Pass the Microsoft MB-260 Accreditation Test

  • Data Engineer

The data engineer is responsible for building the necessary systems that collect, manage and convert the raw data into information that can be used to improve the organization’s processes. As you pass the MS-100 accreditation test, you will become capable of collecting information on customer profiles and tracking their engagement activity so that you come up with adapted solutions to improve their customer experience. According to the information offered by, the average salary earned by a Data Engineer per year is approximately $93k. As you get certified, you will become a valuable asset to your company and can receive an annual payment that is higher than the industry’s average.

  • Data Analyst mentions that the average annual salary earned by a Data Analyst goes around $63k. Again, passing the MS-500 assessment and earning the associated certificate will help you negotiate additional performance bonuses and other perks to keep you motivated. Coming back to the job description for this role, you should know that a Data Analyst is responsible for gathering and scrutinizing data using various tools that will help the team members make decisions and add value to the organization. Once you pass the MB-260 certification exam, you will gain experience in gathering data on customer profiles and unifying it to create the targeted customer profile. Also, you will learn how to administer Customer Insights and analyze the data collected in this system.

  • Data Scientist

As a Data Scientist, you will be responsible for collecting various sets of data and organizing them in the required formats. In addition, you will build predictive models and enhance the data collection process to meet the business requirements. The preparation for the AZ-204 accreditation test will also help you understand how to configure and measure segments. In addition, you will gain experience in designing Customer Insights solutions. As for the annual salary, you should expect to receive an average payment of $97k in one year. This information is available on


The Microsoft MB-260 certification will help you leverage your career and demonstrate that you are both experienced and ambitious to learn more. Besides, it becomes your visit card when applying for well-paid positions such as Data Scientist, Data Engineer, or Data Analyst. The test’s associated certification will put you in a favorable position when negotiating with your hiring managers. Good luck!